SCH Start up kit - Rod building start up kit
Exclusive Tackle
This kit has the tools, supplies, and instructional materials you need to start building and repairing custom rods. each kit contains the following:
- 4 Hand wrapper stands (SCH HR)
- 1 Rod drying stand (RWM DM RS)
- 1 Rod drying motor (RWM DM SA)
- 2 Thread bobbins (SCH TB L)
- 1 Basic tool kit (SCH Tooolkit)
- 2 Finishing brushes (SCH Brush)
- 10 Plastic measuring cups (PMC)
- 2 Syringes (AD SYR)
- Superior Finish tip adhesive (AD SFTA)
- Superior Finish high build epoxy 150ml kit- (AD SFCCHB 150ml)
- Superior Finish handle kit epoxy gel (AD SFHK 140)