Exclusive Tackle:WCKF - Flat winding checks,Red / 10
Exclusive Tackle:WCKF - Flat winding checks,Grey titanium / 10 Exclusive Tackle:WCKF - Flat winding checks,Black / 10 Exclusive Tackle:WCKF - Flat winding checks,Gold / 10 Exclusive Tackle:WCKF - Flat winding checks,Red / 10 Exclusive Tackle:WCKF - Flat winding checks,Silver / 10 Exclusive Tackle:WCKF - Flat winding checks Exclusive Tackle:WCKF - Flat winding checks
  • Made from 6601 marinde grade aluminium with a dual anodised finish
  • Transitions from rod grip to rod blank or carbon tube as shown below



O.D. mm


6.0 - 15.0

I.D. + 5